The Fresh Voices series was inspired by a writing contest of the same name that identified high school writers interested in composing book-length works for young adults. Working with a professional editor, the young authors spent the summer learning about the book industry and meeting journalists while writing their individual books, both fiction and nonfiction. The four titles in this series represent the first four winners of the contest.
A high school student's search for identity unfolds in the backdrop of the chaos and tragedy of 9/11 in this honest and heartfelt novel by a recent high school graduate. Love, faith, animosity, and friendship struggle for balance as protagonist Justin Baker works through the 13 seminal d9ays of his senior year. Already ensconced in a sometimes-bewildering life of high school intrigue, nocturnal pranks, and chance encounters with Vanilla Ice, the tragedy of 2001 informs Justin's rite of passage into adulthood, inspiring him to discover himself and the purpose of society. Written as a series of journal entries, teenagers will be moved by the intimacy of the language and the unique vividness of 9/11 as it is experienced though the eyes of a 17-year-old.
Author Biography
Joshua Matthew Moorhead is a student at Ohio State University. He lives in Hartville, Ohio.